1. 100 Self Help Groups formed and strengthened among the target group culturally
hesitant target groups. The same is holding a fast track for the economic
development and self reliance of the respective community particularly women.
2. 350 School dropouts children enrolled back into school and 120 students were given educational support.
3. Community health awareness including the prevention of STD/HIV/AIDS & cancer and on the concept of Reproductive Child Health with due importance on herbal medicine through the modus operandi of street play/ audio-video shows and dissemination through the pamphlets/ posters/ banners.
4. Consequent to the awareness creation campaigns on women & child rights, child welfare committee was formed in the district by the government. Samruddhi Charitable Trust Bidar 5. Enough awareness generated among school children, teachers and small farmers who are is still contributing efforts to care and maintenance of planted trees.
6. Youth employment training programmes.
7. Eradication of child labor.
8. To work for the victim of violence against women.
9. Work for the school drop out and continued education.