1. Formal and non-formal education.
2. Development community leadership.
3. Initiation and strengthening of self help groups with focus on women.
4. Support for deprived children education.
5. Environment & Bio diversity conservation.
6. Advocacy, Lobby, Public awareness and action oriented programmes for availing the due rights of the tribal, dalith, especially women and children.
7. Awareness generation training on Income Generation Programme / Vocational Training Programme Skills oriented and self employment promoting activities.
8. Community health care including prevention of STD/HIV/AIDS & cancer and on the ensuring the Reproductive Child Health Concept.
9. Social programmes like, Road Safety, consumers rights, production & marketing awareness, legal issues awareness.
10.Culture programmes for Gadinadu Talukas.
11.Children’s parliament programmes district level.
12.NAT-K Rehabilitation provided to the women who are sexually abused.